Not Sure

Posted on: Thu, 03/30/2023 - 11:08 By: journeyadmin


My practice in making New Years resolutions is not to make them. But over the last few years I have chosen a word to act as a theme for my year. For example "Adventure" was the word for the beginning of the pandemic and the lockdown.

But more importantly my word this year is Courage. And so I have been looking at my life and trying to take the bold steps that will allow my life to feel more fully lived.

Solving for Today

Posted on: Thu, 03/16/2023 - 18:04 By: journeyadmin


Solving is all about logic and mathematics. I have had a traumatic relationship with mathematics all my life.  I had no problem with   arithmetic but I squeaked out of university calculus with 53%. The only good thing about that was that I knew I had gotten it myself. it had been 51% I would have always wondered.

Crying Wolf

Posted on: Fri, 12/23/2022 - 11:29 By: journeyadmin


I feel a bit like the boy in the story crying "Wolf." I have been crying "cancer" for much longer than I expected (and I suspect longer than most of you expected.) When I got the prognosis that said "Five percent make it to five years" I didn't think I would make it. Those odds didn't look good to me and I prepared myself. I got my affairs in order; I prepared a client transition plan; and I bade farewell to doing first aid. All this in the face of my brother telling me to go buy a cruise ticket for five years out. I didn't do it.

CIBC Run for the Cure

Posted on: Wed, 09/14/2022 - 13:58 By: journeyadmin


Double your donation

From October 13th to 15th CIBC will match all donations made. So sorry for the short notice BUT

I'm running again. And yes I'm doing the pink thing again. Only this time it will be my first in person run in three years! So not only am I running but I will be doing it with a lot of others. I do have a goal. In the spring I ran a 30 minute 5K (I think) and my goal is to do that again under more controlled circumstances.

Cancer Inc*

Posted on: Mon, 07/11/2022 - 17:30 By: journeyadmin

Noctambulant stalker
Peddler of false comfort and fake hope
Denying the terror and death of cancer.

The toast of boardrooms around the globe
Prowess with profit and unpronounceable drugs
that twist the tongue,
tire and wrack the body.
Leave financial ruin,
fatigue, and side effucks in their wake.

Road trip

Posted on: Thu, 06/23/2022 - 12:16 By: journeyadmin


Sometime in March I made a random joke about an event being moved from February to June. The punchline was that I committed to a road trip to Calgary. Unmasking the Reality of Cancer Mardi Gras themed Gala had seemed fun at the time. At heart though I was so ready for a road trip. Price of gas soared but I decided I could make the budget work.  

The red hat rides again.

Posted on: Fri, 04/29/2022 - 12:13 By: journeyadmin


A personal report on the Health eMatters Conference.

At the end of March I attended the Health eMatters conference in Toronto. Sponsored by Myeloma Canada, it brought social media influencers together face to face.

Two themes emerged from the conference as I thought about the experience. Stories and connections. As I reflect on each of the presenters and their stories, let me see if I can weave these two threads together.

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