CIBC Run For The Cure - 2021

Posted on: Mon, 08/23/2021 - 19:47 By: journeyadmin
Moored Sailboat

The time has come to think about the CIBC Run for the Cure. Yup I'm running again. And I have set an ambitious personal goal of $1,000. I'm part of the mentor team from the forum and we have set a group goal of $3,000. Modest I know but it is our first time.

I feel guilty about just asking for money so I have two proposals. One involves me making an absolute ass of myself. If I reach $250 I'll wear the pink tutu again. No biggie. But if I make it $500 the iconic red hat will be replaced by neon pink hair. But the stretch goal will be rewarded by a boobless pink bra if I get to $1,000.

The second is that any donation of more than $50 will recieve a postcard sized watercolor painting - either digitally or real paper by old fashioned mail.

So there you have it... my annual fundraising plea. Oh and you can make your donation at: